All International Jousting League Affiliates are listed per country and team. Individuals can affiliate on their own.
The IJL BOR empowers the IJL Auditors to examine the running of an affiliated tournament and
USA | |||
Team | Name | Firstname | Sex |
BLACK HAWKS | Piotter | James | M |
Blue Run Jousting | England | Krissie | F |
Blue Run Jousting | England | Mike | M |
Chivalry and Steel | Daniel | Matthew | M |
Chivalry and Steel | Young | Linda | F |
Combatants Keep | Burroughs | Katarzyna J | F |
Combatants Keep | Conway | Seth | M |
Combatants Keep | Everhart | Noell | F |
Combatants Keep | Harris | Elijah | M |
Combatants Keep | Nader | Kim | F |
Combatants Keep | Nader | Thomas C Jr | M |
Combatants Keep | Neill | Mary | F |
Combatants Keep | Neill | Patrick | M |
Combatants Keep | Ryals | Sam | M |
COMPAGNIA DEL CAVALLIO | Tickenoff | Thomas N | M |
Fox's Rest Stable | Augustine | Scianna | F |
Fox's Rest Stable | Augustine | William | M |
FREELANCERS | Canter | Barchan | M |
IJA-USA | Sims | Thimothy | M |
Ironclad Honor | Warren | Joshua | M |
KNIGHTLY ARTS | Fourtzialas | Nikki | F |
KNIGHTLY ARTS | Oneail | Jeremy | M |
KNIGHTLY ARTS | Tewksbury | James | M |
KNIGHTLY ARTS | Venable | Scott | M |
Knights of Iron | Burtka | Kellyn | F |
Knights of Iron | Juretich | Dana | F |
Knights of Iron | Juretich | John | M |
Knights of Iron | Matyas | Samantha | F |
Knights of Iron | Monarch | Jason | M |
Knights of Iron | Walter | L Dale | M |
Knights of Mayhem | Andrews | Charlie M | M |
Knights of the Four Winds | Paterson | Bobbie | F |
Knights of the Four Winds | Stephens | Dusting G | M |
Knights of the Golden Sun | Hedgecock | Jeffrey | M |
Knights of the Golden Sun | Hill | Joel | M |
Knights of the Golden Sun | Reynolds | Bill | M |
Knights of the Golden Sun | Rimmer | Darth | M |
L'Emprise de l'Escu Geules | Carroll | Michael | M / Staff |
Modern Medievalist | Baker | David S. | M |
NORTHERN STAR | Clark | Lloyd | M |
North Florida Fencing Club | Bloomfield | Gladston | M |
Northwest Jousting Asso'n | DePew | Shannon | F |
Northwest Jousting Asso'n | Leach | Melinda | F |
Northwest Jousting Asso'n | Printy | Stephanie Rose | F |
Northwest Jousting Asso'n | Rigney | Edward W | M |
Order of the Argent Spur | Martel | Dusty | M |
Order of the Argent Spur | Martel | Steve | M |
Order of the Argent Spur | Perillo | Heather | F |
Order of the Crimson Boar | Welch | Robert | M |
Southern Academy of Sswordmanship |
Wilson | Scott | M |
The Knights of the Rose | Moran | Kathryn | F |
The Knights of the Rose | Frank | Sara | F |
The Society for Creative Anachronism | Mahocker | Jennifer | F |
THREE FEATHERS | Bjerke | Patrick | M |
Tilted Quintain | Lastre | Leopoldo | M |
Austin | John B | M | |
Baker | Elizabeth C | F | |
Basham | Jeffrey S | M | |
Barclay | Peter C | RIP | |
Bear | Kyle | M | |
Bevel | Galen | M | |
Bright | Richard | M | |
Coghlan | David | M | |
Dawson | Robert | M | |
Daniel | Robin | M | |
Dix | Brian | M | |
Eastwood | Raven | M | |
Flitcroft | Kirsten | F | |
Fortner II | James E | M | |
Geisendorff | Tiffany | F | |
Gulick | Sean | M | |
Hall | Allen | M | |
Hemphill | Dawn Allee | F | |
Hemphill | Steve | M | |
Hogg | Caleb | M | |
Hogg | Holiday Noel | F | |
Homjak | Aaron | M | |
Johnson | Jeff | M | |
Kaemmerer | David | M | |
Lacourse-Friend | Patti | F | |
Machtan | Matthew | M | |
Maley | Michael P. | M | |
Martinson | Dee Dee | F | |
Mesimer | David | M | |
Midzor | Melissa | F | |
Moore | Ripper | M | |
Myers | Jimmie | M | |
Olsgaard | Henrik | M | |
Ortiz | James H | M | |
Parish-Whittaker | David | M | |
Reinke | Bob | M | |
Renier | Andre Lee | M | |
Saathoff | Ryan | M | |
Scealgowan | Medbh | F | |
Schindler | Steve | M | |
Serna | Frederico Luis | M | |
Shilling | Ann | F | |
Sorenson | Kelly | F | |
Steelquist | John F | M | |
Wagner | Douglas | M | |
Wasson | Jeffrey D | M | |
Wasson | Stacy Jaye | F | |
Winkel | Allan | M | |
Wise | Dave | M | |
Young | David R | M |